Copenhagen Traffic Playground

Copenhagen has an amazing park called the Traffic Playground. The park is open to anyone and is free.  The educational focus is for kindergarten through first grade but anyone who wants to learn how to ride a bike or learn about the street system is welcome.  The facility has staff available, bikes (even balance bikes and adult bikes) if you need to borrow one, and a bike repair shop.  


The playground includes everything you see on the normal street system from sidewalks, elevated uni-directional bike facilities, travel lanes, bus stops, and traffic circles, as well as signals for bikes, pedestrians, and vehicles.
Teaching children to navigate the street system on a bike appears to be very important to the people of Copenhagen. I loved watching the kids as they stopped at the lights (well not all), navigate a traffic circle, and travel down the vehicle lane (I'm not going to lie, there were a few drivers traveling into oncoming traffic, ha!).  What a great way to learn in such a safe and fun environment. 


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